New in Sweden, new in Ludvika

If you are new in Ludvika and in Sweden. Here we will collect some "Good to know" for you. External link. is a website run by the County Administrative Boards that contains information about Sweden for asylum seekers and people who have recently been granted a residence permit. One part of the website is an orientation about Swedish society External link..

Fira nationaldagen

Short about Ludvika municipality

Ludvika kommun (Ludvika municipality) is one of 290 municipalities in Sweden, and is responsible for a large portion of local community services like schools, social services and elderly care. The municipalities of Sweden are the local government entities. Each municipality is led by politicians (sometimes called elected representatives) who have been voted for by citizens.

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The website provides information about illnesses, care and health. Healthcare in Sweden is governed by different areas called regions. Ludvika kommun belongs to Region Dalarna.

Dial 112 (SOS Alarm - Police, Ambulance and Fire Brigade) when there is danger to life, property or the environment.

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Some important Swedish authorities for you

Försäkringskassan/The Swedish Social Insurance Agency – Social insurance system

Read a brief introduction to the social security system in Sweden – a description of how the Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan) operates and what you might need to consider if you apply for social benefits: The Swedish Social Insurance Agency - Försäkringskassan. External link.

Migrationsverket/The Migration Agency – Migration and visas

Migrationsverket/The Migration Agency is the authority that considers applications from people who want to take up permanent residence in Sweden and come for a visit.

Trafikverket/The Swedish Transport Administration – Driver’s license

Skatteverket/The Swedish Tax Agency

Every adult registered in Sweden has to make an annual tax declaration. The Swedish Tax Agency manages civil registration of private individuals and collects taxes such as personal income tax, corporate tax, VAT and excise tax.

Pensionsmyndigheten/The Swedish Pensions Agency – The Swedish pension system

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Some Swedish laws that are important to know

Below are some examples of laws and regulations that may come as a surprise to people arriving in Sweden. Breaking them may lead to fines or in some cases even prison.

The Right of Public Access, "Allemansrätten"

The Right of Public Access is a principle, protected by the law, that gives all people in Sweden the freedom to roam free in nature. Read more: External link.

Corporal punishment

Corporal punishment is forbidden. Spanking, slapping, smacking, pinching, hair-pulling, whipping, paddling – corporal punishment by any name or means is prohibited in Sweden, both at home and in school.

Cycle helmets

All cyclists up to the age of 15 must wear a helmet. You can also be fined for giving a lift to a child without a helmet on your bike. Helmets are also strongly encouraged for everyone.

Seat belts

It is mandatory to wear seatbelts on all positions in the car, both adults and children. Children aged 0-4 should be in rear facing car seats. Front facing car seats should only be used from 4 years of age. It’s recommended that children should be in rear facing car seats as long as possible, height and weight allowing. Children up to 135 cm must use car seats or booster seats. Trafikverket got information in Swedish about children i the car: External link.

Winter and summer tyres

Your car must be fitted with winter tyres from 1 December to 31 March. Transportstyrelsen, information in Swedish: External link./

Driving and speaking

You are not allowed to hold your phone in your hand while driving.  Transportstyrelsen, information in Swedish: External link.

Drinking, drugs and driving

The easiest interpretation of Swedish drink driving laws is “don’t drink and drive”. Technically, however, you will be fined and are liable for a jail sentence of up to 6 months if you are caught with an alcohol level of at least 0.2 parts per thousand. For alcohol levels above 1.0 part per thousand, you can be jailed for up to two years. Your driver’s license can also be revoked for up to 3 years. To put this in perspective, the acceptable limit of blood alcohol content before a person is charged is LOWER in Sweden than most other countries. Trafikverket, information in Swedish: External link.


The best advice to give your staff about parking is to always ask what the Swedish signs mean to avoid fines. You also need to get and display a parking disc to show how long your car has been parked, where required.


Smoking is prohibited in all public indoor spaces in Sweden and also many outdoor spaces, such as bus stops, train stations, outdoor cafés/restaurants, etc.

Littering and environment

Littering is prohibited anywhere in Sweden and can even minor littering can result in an on the spot fine. There are also strict regulations about waste disposal and recycling. Failure to sort your standard household waste properly (according to your building’s rules) or to dispose of other items such as electric appliances or household goods at a suitable recycling station can lead to large fines.

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Waste disposal and recycling

The company WBAB is responsible for waste disposal and recycling in both Smedjebacken and Ludvika municipalities.

On the website External link. you can read about How to handle different types of waste External link.

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Ludvika kommun
0240-860 00

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